Your August Club Update

While there might be many concerns about the heatwave, it is, at least, making for some rather lovely cycling weather. We hope you’ve been able to enjoy it! Here are some updates for the coming months.

The September Cycle Quest. Are you planning rides in September and looking for somewhere new and interesting to go?   Look no further than the Club's once-only Centenary Cycle Quest.  Check out the map and info on page 15 of the latest Milestone (which should be dropping through letterboxes this week) and get ready for the launch on 1st September. 

Cycling Training for members. Our very own Tony Palmer is offering cycle training in small groups for SFACC members, and so far he’s got rave reviews. You can book online. Highly recommended!  

Our SFACC cycling training holiday – 18th – 21st May 2023, Costa Blanca – is closing for bookings at the end of this week. See details on the website, or contact Stephen Harmer for more information.  

Want to get cyclists’ views heard in Kent? Councils across the UK are asking residents to tell them what they think of transport and highways services in their area, and we're one of those councils. There are six independent surveys in total - feel free to take one or all of them. Each survey will only take a few minutes of your time. They want people’s views on accessibility, highways maintenance, public transport, road safety, tackling congestion, walking and cycling. A brilliant chance to get our voices heard. Take the survey here.

Fancy a bicycle ride for two? Don't forget the club touring and racing tandem are both available to club members to hire. We want them to be used rather than in our store so why not think about where a tandem could take two of you. Bookings are via our online form: Equipment Hire Form

Can you help run our club? Nominations are open for election to the Board, and for the role of President(s), so please get your nominations in! For more details of what’s involved have a look at the latest Milestone. There are details of timing and deadlines on our website. A number of the Board (including me) are stepping down this year, so please consider standing..  

Stay safe, and enjoy the cycling.


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