Campaigning for Cyclists Rights
San Fairy Ann CC is one of the largest cycling clubs in Kent. We therefore know what works for cyclists in Kent, and what doesn't. With around 400 members, we use our voice to influence local decisions, working with national bodies. Following covid, there is an increasing drive by local and central government to promote 'Active Travel' (i.e. cycling or walking to work rather than driving) and to get people fit. But we all know that the infrastructure around us often mitigates against this, whether potholes, poorly designed road layouts, thoughtless roadworks, dangerous junctions - or just bad drivers!
Bodies we work with: Cycling UK (CTC) have a range of national campaigns for walking and cycling and cycle safety. Cycling UK have a Local Cycling Campaign Network and the Maidstone Cycle Campaign Forum (MCCF) is affiliated to this. British Cycling’s campaign ‘Transform Britain. Choose Cycling’ is their mission to make big changes – better places to cycle, segregated cycle tracks and well-connected networks with agreed standards so that they can be used safely.
How can you get involved?
Potholes continue as always to be a danger for cyclists. We hear of incidents resulting from these and it would be really useful if the responsible pothole is always reported, only then can we ensure that the Highway Authority is held more responsible. Cycling UK has a simple App to enable reporting from your mobile phone or PC. https://www.fillthathole.org.uk/ Alternatively you can report a highways issue directly to Kent County Council on their webpage https://www.kent.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/report-a-problem
Fly Tipping is endemic and SFACC members can play a useful service in reporting it when they come across it. Love Clean Streets has a simple App for reporting it using your mobile phone or PC. With this App you avoid the need to identify which District Council to report it to https://lovecleanstreets.info/report
Accident / Potential Traffic Offence Reporting is available if you think you might have witnessed an offence on the roads and wish to report it to the police https://www.kent.police.uk/ro/report/rti/rti-b/report-a-road-traffic-incident/
Your Club Needs You! Active involvement of SFACC Members in local and national campaigns is needed. If you are willing to contribute please contact the SFACC Rights Officer - email rights@sanfairyanncc.co.uk
We all have an opportunity to individually contribute to consultations on Kent issues, getting involved and helping to shape the future of Kent. Follow this link to have your say on all sorts of projects and proposals that interest you. https://letstalk.kent.gov.uk/
Maidstone Cycling Campaign Forum - www.maidstonecycling.uk - Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MaidstoneCCF - Twitter https://twitter.com/maidstonecycle/
Cycling UK Campaigns - https://www.cyclinguk.org/current-campaigns
British Cycling Campaigning - https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/campaigning
Maidstone Matters - Facebook Site https://www.facebook.com/groups/441030206824533/
Active Travel Kent - https://sites.google.com/view/activetravelkent/home
Changes to the Highway Code - Improving Safety for Cyclists, Pedestrians and Horse Riders - Changes explained