Frequently asked questions
do you want me?
Yes! We are one of the largest clubs in the U.K. and have groups for everyone. Helping our community get fit, stay fit and have fun through Cycling is what we are here for – as well as helping the most talented members race and even win world titles! Whoever you are, we’d love you to join us. We have something for everyone.
When do you ride?
We have many different levels of cycling groups, from the beginner level to the really fast. These different groups go out every Saturday, with three levels of rides on a Wednesday (with the ‘midweekers’). But we also find that loads of club members also arrange rides at other times - this community shares a passion for cycling.
do I have to be a fast cyclist?
No! We are a large cycling club, which means we have groups for every level - from racers at one end to riders who go at little more than a fast walking pace. We can promise that we have a group which will work for you
is everyone super fit and slim?
No! We look like everyone else. Although it’s fair to say that our racing group are generally a bit younger and slimmer than the rest of us...
do I need a special kit to join?
No. We are proud of our own San Fairy Ann kit, as it helps us stand out in a group, but you are under no obligation to buy or wear one. Any cycling kit will do. And you don’t have to wear Lycra either, although most of us do, as it stops the saddle rubbing and is generally more comfortable than any alternative.
If you’re new to road cycling, the kit you need for a road ride is a decent pair of cycling shorts (sadly, this is one area where you get what you pay for). A short-sleeved wicking top (cycling tops are best as they have back pockets for your phone and money). Cycling gloves (protect your hands) and whatever cycling shoes work for your bike. If the weather is variable, ‘sleeves’ can be handy (as you can take them off or on as you warm up) and a lightweight shower proof jacket which you can stuff in your back pocket if you don’t need it. New cyclists often wear too much – you get warm when cycling, and the trick is layering. Aside from decent shorts, the rest of the kit can be got pretty cheaply.
what bike do I need??
If you’re joining for club-rides, road bike is best – on a hybrid, you’ll have to work harder then anyone else just to keep up. It doesn’t need to be an expensive road bike though. Some people ride hybrids, or even electric bikes. Quite a lot of people try out club cycling on their existing bike and then decide to upgrade when they get hooked – and when they can afford it. You’ll find a wide variety of bikes on our rides. If you are keen to try track-riding, you can hire a bike to try it out. For time-trialling, a time-trial bike helps, but is not essential.
What is First Claim and Second Claim? What should I join as?
If cyclists race competitvely, they are only allowed to race on behalf of one club. Therefore, the categories ‘first claim’ and ‘second claim’ have been created to allow cyclists to join more than one club, but not break the rules. ‘Second claim’ means that we are your second club, and that you race for another club. However, if you don’t race competitively, just join us as a member. And in any case, second claim and all other members have the same voting and participation rights in SFACC.
are there many women in SFA?
Yes, although we’d like more. Currently around a third of our members are female, but we are keen to actively recruit more. It’s fair to say that there are fewer women in the fast racing group, but all groups at all levels have a mixed group of people, in terms of genders and ages.
do you have good ethnic diversity?
Not as much as we’d like – although we do have non-white members, we’d like our cycling group to be as representative of the wider community as possible. We are a really friendly club, open to everyone. So if you’re interested, please do try us out.
what group should I start in?
Have a ride on your own - and see what speed (mph) you do. And then pick a group which runs at that level. It can be easier to pick a group the level below first, to give you confidence, and then go up a group.
We also run ‘try it out’ rides for people to try out club riding, and chat with us about the right group for them. If you want to chat with someone about which group to join, email clubrides@sanfairyann.co.uk where our Club Rides Director can advise you, and introduce you to the right people.
what if I want to race?
SFA is one of the most successful clubs in the UK, with three Masters Btle holders! We have a racing team, Bme trials, and track racing too. Please get in touch with Simon, who leads our racing, on roadrace@sanfairyanncc.co.uk who can advise you
What does it cost to join?
Our annual fees start at £5 per year for students over 16 (under 16s are free), to £35 per year for adults.
do I just turn up?
Yes, you can. Our insurers allow non-members to try us out twice before you need to join - so you are welcome to just come and join a ride. However, please do drop a note to the leader of the group you are planning to join, so they know to expect you and (just as importantly) let you know the starting point and route! Most groups have ‘WhatsApp’ groups to liaise to make sure they know who is coming each week, to plan.
if I join, do I need to come every week?
No. Some people do come every week. Some people come when they can. Lots of people combine cycling with weekend work, family and other commitments. Come when you can.
how long does a ride take?
It really depends on the group. Have a look at the club ride you’re interested in and see what they say about cafe stops and distances. In general, groups which ride for over 30 miles tend to take a coffee break, so add on 45 mins to the mileage calculation. To give an example, a group which usually rides about 50 miles, with one coffee stop, will tend to leave at 9am and return by 1-2pm.
what happens if I can’t keep up?
The general rule for all but the fastest groups is that we don’t leave people behind. All groups have different levels in them. But if you’re not sure, it might make sense to join an easier group to start with, to get confidence before you go up a level.
do I have to wear Lycra? It’s not exactly flattering...
You can wear whatever you want, but most club riders do wear Lycra cycling gear as it’s more comfortable to ride in. Don’t worry. We all look equally lumpy in it....and if you’re really worried about looking bad in Lycra, you can wear baggy shorts over the top. Once you’re on a bike, no-one notices.
how friendly are the groups?
Most cyclists stay with SFA because they find friends in the group. We are extremely friendly and very welcoming to new joiners. Every year, loads of new people join us. You won’t be the odd one out.
do I need to join or can I try it out first?
You can try it out first. Under our British Cycling insurance we are allowed to let people ride with us twice before the need to join, and still be covered under our insurance. Just find the group you’re interested in and email or text the organiser to let them know you want to join the next ride. And then come along and find out how much fun it is!
What other benefits do I get with my SFACC Membership?
SFACC members get discounts (usually 10%) at selected local cycle shops!
You will get a free enhancement to any free Ride With GPS membership you have. Most of the RWGPS paid for Basic and Premium features will be available to you at no cost avoiding you paying £37 or £60 p.a. for them
how should I prepare for my first ride?
Make sure your bike is in good condition and your tyres are pumped up well. Bring some spare inner tubes (two) in case of a puncture. Bring a small amount of money (£10 is usually enough) for coffee or lunch. A credit card is useful too in case of bike failures and the need for a train home. If you’ve already joined, bring your membership card with your ICE details. Wear cycling clothes which you’re comfortable to cycle in. And ensure you have at least one filled water bottle - you’ll need it, even in winter.