AGM Report 2024
The Club AGM was held on Saturday 12th October in “our local”, the Unicorn Pub Marden. We had an excellent turnout as a result of the ◻ Exciting Agenda? ◻ It followed the club runs? ◻ It was in the pub?
The draft minutes are now on the Membership Home Page: San Fairy Ann Cycling Club at Member-Mojo
We voted strongly for all our nominated directors and our new president Richard Valentine and since the AGM we have several additional people coming forward to help with important tasks in the club and act as officers and directors. Great news.
We agreed to our rule change on insurance which means we retain the need to be insured as individuals but we can choose the most appropriate provider for that insurance.
The meeting talked about club subs and the meeting sensed that we wish to invest in cycling as a priority. We also wish to invest in our club in all respects, getting the club jersey supplier selected is a priority that a small team within the club is energetically working on.
Please read all the details on the draft minutes and comment/discuss on the Facebook Members Group.