July Updates
Sunday 9th October -
KCA Reliability Trial 2023
KCA Reliability Trial - A rather wet one for most.
Jonathan Leeson: I decided to start in Loose, so I had Hunton Hill as my last climb; it was like a river.
Duncan Edwards: We did the short ride from Boughton Cock. I caught one shower and caught a team of 4, including Medway Velo, around Hunton Hill. I hate Hunton Hill, lol. Especially when battling a river running in the opposite direction and with cars trying to pass. Reliability riding at its finest!
Des McElroy: …soggy, but I have seen worse. A very mucky section on the 100k - Ram Lane?…and an odd route choice just after Little Chart, which we bypassed on the proper road…
Russell Chidwick: Great event as always; very big thank you to all the organisers; as with previous years, it was more an endurance trial than a reliability one.
Michael Cross: Before the 100 miles in the biblical rain, with Jeremy Roth and Mark Cain.
Martin Foord: It was madness. Three hours of non-stop rain.
John Alfred Wells: Chapeau!
Welcoming new members
Although we are the largest club in Kent we are still welcoming new members who can add richness and diversity to our activity. If you know anybody who would like to join, why not show them the milestone and encourage them to signup. They can join a club run or a try it out ride with no obligation.
We are also offering free membership for the year to anybody that introduces three or more new joiners.
We want the photo record of our club to be better
With this in mind we are now publishing via Google Photos and have resurrected our Flickr account, both of which are linked through the website.
Any photo sets you have, please forward to Lise at Media@SanFairyAnnCC.co.uk for inclusion in our archive.
FREE Road Safety Training
Followers of the milestone will have seen reports on Tony Palmer’s road safety training. From personal experience Tony does an excellent training course and it is free until 31st October. YES, THATS RIGHT, THE CLUB IS PAYING! So if you or your group would like Tony’s training please email him for a slot at roadsafetytraining@SanFairyAnnCC.co.uk.
Maidstone ECO Hub
Maidstone has an Eco Hub running in the Mall Shopping Centre during August and September. SFA will be supporting the 25th August. Any SFA members who would like a day out in Maidstone talking about cycling, please contact Russell or Duncan on Rights@SanFairyAnnCC.co.uk or Chair@SanFairyAnnCC.co.uk to let us know. It would be good to get a strong presence from our members on the day.
Communication is Key
And finally, hope you like the extra energy going into our social media channels. Please, like, share and contribute our posts. Communication is key to making the club the best it can be and enabling members to get the best out of the club so please help us communicate internally and externally on all things SFA.
SFA Board