Happy Christmas
Membership Renewals
Membership renewals will fall due for many members on 1st January. We are putting the finishing touches to the process using the new website so please don’t try to renew before then. We will send out an email on 1st January with the details you will need.
Thanks to all those who have put their time and effort into making this club what it is during 2022. Next year we would like to award a volunteer of the year trophy as part of recognising and commending our volunteers. Philip Thorpe is collecting nominations for the trophy so please let him know about your volunteer achievements so that the best candidate can be selected. Phillip’s email is: clubruns@sanfairyanncc.co.uk
Board Meeting on 5th December
The minutes will be in the normal place on the website within the week: Link. Among the items we discussed were:
Club motto - communicating what the club is all about
Being fully inclusive to encourage everybody who would like to cycle to join the club
The sponsorship of British Cycling by Shell
Cycle Training
Remembrance plaque for Pat Hill
Disposal of Hoads Wood
The board is happy to hear from members of the club on any subject so please feel free to email: chair@sanfairyanncc.co.uk any board member or write a letter to the magazine: media@sanfairyanncc.co.uk.
Go Ride
British Cycling are running a webinar about their Go Ride initiative which is a funded initiative to get young people into cycling. If you would like to join the free webinar please do so using the details below:
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 331 587 830 138 Passcode: SkZDiS
Download Teams Join on the web
Calendar for Next Year
The calendar on the website is already starting to fill up for 2023 Link so don’t forget to update your diaries. We are also planning some new and different things for next year as part of our aim to extend and broaden what the club has to offer.