Easter Club Update


Novice Timetrials

Known as the race of truth, time trials are probably the purest form of cycle racing so there is an opportunity for more of us to get involved. The first of two no pressure have a go events is next weekend. We hope to see more club members enjoying the thrill of competition and success. Please come along and give it a go or cheer the riders on. Meeting for coffee at Teapot Island afterwards. Link


Our fantastic sportive needs no introduction, but it does need more us to sign up. There are other clubs with way more riders than us at the moment. The weather won’t be like this for ever, on the 14th May we are anticipating lovely warm weather, don’t forget, distances for everyone: Link


We now have a good group of riders for the track but there is a handful of places left. We might even expand the session with two coaches if we can get the numbers so please book so that we are able to plan the best event. The booking page is here: Link

The Club

Centenary book

Very few cycle clubs have been in existence for 100 years and still fewer will have a centenary book to celebrate. Get a bit of history, place your order today. Link

Board Meetings

Minutes of all our board meetings are on the member only section of the membership system Link any member who wishes to put something on the agenda is free to do so via the chair or if necessary attend the meeting itself.

Building the Club

Equipment Hire

Don’t forget we have 2 tandems, a bike trailer (Bob Yak) and a hard bike flight case for free hire to club members. Just get in contact with me Chair@sanfairyanncc.co.uk if you want to hire anything or want to know what is available.

First Aid Course

Its free, you could help your club mates and it is on Sunday 30th April. We have 6 remaining slots for booking. Link

Did you Know we have a Referral Scheme

We think there are loads of people who just need a bit of encouragement to get on their bike. Why not use your club mag or a try it out ride or even the novice time trial to bring that aspiring friend or family member into the club.,

Notice how Rubbish my graphics are?

We want more photos of club life so that we can communicate and enhance our information more effectively. Our photo competition will choose winners for valuable prizes and results will be announced in each magazine. Please send your photos in to Media@sanfairyanncc.co.uk with Photo Competition in the subject line.


May Update


SFA Novice Time Trials