Club Update

Reliability Trial - Sunday

Looks like it should be a good weekend. Lets get our final bookings in and support each other in completing our target rides in the time limit. Bookings can still be made via our website EVENTS section and you can see various views of the entry data on the Views tab of this spreadsheet: Link

Cycle Quest - Keep Going!

Still open, can you get more locations? There is still time. The page is being updated at the moment so please keep up to date with the latest, here is the link.

Club People of the Year

Thank you for the 56 responses so far, it is quite tight, particularly in the men’s competition so please vote if you have not done so yet. The link for voting is here: Link.

Cycle Training

We still have slots on our cycle training, one coming up very shortly next week so please take advantage of this excellent opportunity to think about your safety on the road, we can all benefit from the latest advice on how to ride safely for ourselves and other road users. The link to the info is here: Link


LAST CHANCE if you have not voted


Please Choose your Cub People of the Year