Club End May Update
Club Trip to Lake Annecy
40 members of the club are off to this amazing part of France on 6th June. Plans are already underway for the 2025 trip so, watch this space.
A Group are Flying
The A Group are flying to the Pyrenees on Saturday for 7 days of climbing.
Abellio racing over the weekend saw Ed Cox take a well deserved 2nd place and Tommy Walden-Smith 6th in a great team effort.
Mark Cain leads the KCA TT leaders board after 3 podiums.
The Famous Five
The much-loved and long-running summer series of Audax rides from Bethersden are back on 16 June 2024. Watch out, though: entries close one week before so get yours in now!
There’s a great choice of distances to suit a wide range of riders. Which one will you choose?
300km Summer Sunrise
200km Summer Dream
150km Summer Holiday
100km Summer Swallow
50km Summer Breeze
Apart from the pleasant Kent countryside, the flatish routes and the quality of food provided, participants often welcome the traditional Fairies welcome, TLC and legendary soup.
Entry is through the audax UK website by selecting a date range which includes 16/6/2024. You know you are going to love it!
The routes, routesheets and rider briefing are on the website but may be updated after the checkrides a week before.
Questions? Bob Watts
Advertising our Fantastic Club
One of our members highlighted that we did not appear on Google Maps search. This has now been corrected, but we don’t have any reviews. Please could members add some reviews to add more background to what we have to offer.
Other Items
General Secretary
We still have a vacancy for a General Secretary on the board. If you just want to find out about this role and have a chat, please get in touch, we would be pleased to discuss it with club members who might like to give it a go.
Club Kit
The Primal Store has closed due to a restructuring at the company, we are working on an alternative solution for our club kit. More on this as soon as we have it.
Our Buddies
We are implementing a buddy system to make sure our members who do not have email are still communicated with. This is still work in progress but we hope to have everybody covered very soon.
Keeping Communicating
Lise is continuing to build and develop the website with news and information. Ideas and content are always welcome.