Club Election Results
The results are in. Thank you to everyone who voted. In total, 198 people voted, which is well above our quorum, and around half of all club members. The vote numbers against each name or vote are shown below.
The results are:
President: Kate and John Bosley (160 in favour, 2 against)
Vice President: John Longbottom (160 in favour, 0 against)
The Chair: Duncan Edwards (167 in favour, 1 against)
The Board: Chris Beighton, Caroline Mortlock, Jonathan Edwards, Ian Blackburn, Philip Thorpe (All had more than 145 votes in favour and 2 or fewer votes against)
Decision on ‘should we sell our land at Hoads Wood?’. (115 in favour, 56 against)
Decision on ‘should we change our rules to allow annual memberships to start at any time of year?’. (168 in favour, 2 against)
Congratulations to the new Board!